Monday, May 23, 2011

Cheetahs, cheetahs, cheetahs.

Hello, everyone.
Are we ready to talk to nature? Let's go.

Our first animal: the Cheetah (because it is amazing).

Where they live: Africa in savannas and open woodlands
Length of life: 10 to 12 years
Weight: 88-143 pounds
Diet: meat (gazelles, antelope, hares)
Their babies are called: cubs
How many cubs in each litter: 2 to 5
Males are slightly larger than females
Cubs stay with their mothers until they are 12 to 20 months old.
They only need to drink once every three to four days
They can't climb trees
Why they are cool: they are the fastest land mammal. They can run as fast as 60 to 70 miles per hour! (That's like cars on a highway).
Sad fact: Only 7000 to 12000 remain in the world.
They are considered threatened

What can you do?
Many people say we should all help save the environment, get involved, donate. But as a high school student, I know its hard, especially kids. We don't have money to give. We can't join groups and organizations because we are (mostly) to young. We don't have a big voice. But there are ways for everyone to help.

For kids:
  • If you have Facebook, you should play Wildlife Refuge. The Cheetah Conservation Fund encourages it. Show your friends, get the word out. It raises awarness. Link:
  • Go to the Zoo. It's fun and helps the cause.
  • Spread the word. Cheetah's are beautiful creatures yet many people don't know they are in danger of extcintion.
  • Talk to your parents. See if you can become a member of the zoo close to you. See if you can "adopt" a Cheetah online. (You won't actually adopt them, but you can give money to help save them, you can often see them on webcams, or get information on how they are doing). Good places to go for that are the National Zoo website, Cheetah Conversation Fund.
  • Talk to your teachers. See if you can do a lesson about cheetahs, or other threatened species. Think up ways your class can help in school.
For others:
  • Donate to World Wildlife Fund or to other organizations that help Cheetahs and other species. Link:(
  • Become a member of your local zoo or wildlife organization. (Usually you get a cool bumper sticker too).
  • There are many ways to help but the easiest is just be more environmentally friendly. Recycle, don't waste food, water, and energy, don't buy materials made out of endagered animals (elephant tusks, tiger skins, cheetah skins etc.), and spread the word. The only way to truly solve our environmental problems is get everyone involved by teaching and just talking about it.
Well, that's it. My first blog article done. Hope you enjoyed that nature chat.
Stay tuned for more,

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